datasette-atom by simonw

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Datasette plugin that adds support for generating Atom feeds with the results of a SQL query.


Install this plugin in the same environment as Datasette to enable the .atom output extension.

$ pip install datasette-atom


To create an Atom feed you need to define a custom SQL query that returns a required set of columns:

  • atom_id - a unique ID for each row. This article has suggestions about ways to create these IDs.
  • atom_title - a title for that row.
  • atom_updated - an RFC 3339 timestamp representing the last time the entry was modified in a significant way. This can usually be the time that the row was created.

The following columns are optional:

  • atom_content - content that should be shown in the feed. This will be treated as a regular string, so any embedded HTML tags will be escaped when they are displayed.
  • atom_content_html - content that should be shown in the feed. This will be treated as an HTML string, and will be sanitized using Bleach to ensure it does not have any malicious code in it before being returned as part of a <content type="html"> Atom element. If both are provided, this will be used in place of atom_content.
  • atom_link - a URL that should be used as the link that the feed entry points to.
  • atom_author_name - the name of the author of the entry. If you provide this you can also provide atom_author_uri and atom_author_email with a URL and e-mail address for that author.

A query that returns these columns can then be returned as an Atom feed by adding the .atom extension.


Here is an example SQL query which generates an Atom feed for new entries on

  ',' || substr(created, 0, 11) || ':' || id as atom_id,
  name as atom_title,
  created as atom_updated,
  '' || id as atom_link,
    '<img src="' || photo_url || '?w=800&amp;h=400&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=compress">',
  ) || '<p>' || description || '</p>' as atom_content_html
order by
  created desc

You can try this query by pasting it in here - then click the .atom link to see it as an Atom feed.

Using a canned query

Datasette's canned query mechanism is a useful way to configure feeds. If a canned query definition has a title that will be used as the title of the Atom feed.

Here's an example, defined using a metadata.yaml file:

        title: Niche Museums
        sql: |-
            ',' || substr(created, 0, 11) || ':' || id as atom_id,
            name as atom_title,
            created as atom_updated,
            '' || id as atom_link,
              '<img src="' || photo_url || '?w=800&amp;h=400&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=compress">',
            ) || '<p>' || description || '</p>' as atom_content_html
          order by
            created desc

Disabling HTML filtering

The HTML allow-list used by Bleach for the atom_content_html column can be found in the clean(html) function at the bottom of datasette_atom/

You can disable Bleach entirely for Atom feeds generated using a canned query. You should only do this if you are certain that no user-provided HTML could be included in that value.

Here's how to do that in metadata.json:

  "plugins": {
    "datasette-atom": {
      "allow_unsafe_html_in_canned_queries": true

Setting this to true will disable Bleach filtering for all canned queries across all databases.

You can disable Bleach filtering just for a specific list of canned queries like so:

  "plugins": {
    "datasette-atom": {
      "allow_unsafe_html_in_canned_queries": {
        "museums": ["latest", "moderation"]

This will disable Bleach just for the canned queries called latest and moderation in the museums.db database.