Examples of sites built using Datasette
datasette.io (this website)
datasette.io runs using a heavily customized Datasette instance implementing the Baked Data pattern. Read more about how it works in datasette.io, an official project website for Datasette and Building a search engine for datasette.io.
You can explore the database that powers this site at datasette.io/content.

github-to-sqlite with GraphQL
github-to-sqlite is a tool for loading data from GitHub - repositories, issues, issue comments, commits and more - into a SQLite database.
github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net provides a demo of that tool running against hundreds of Datasette repositories. It also demonstrates two plugins: datasette-graphql for providing a GraphQL API to Datasette, and datasette-search-all for searching multiple database tables at once.

California Protected Areas
CPAD, the California Protected Areas Database, is a remarkable GIS dataset maintained by GreenInfo Network, an Oakland non-profit.
This example uses the shapefile-to-sqlite tool to import Shapefiles from that project into a SpatiaLite database, then demonstrates a number of different Datasette geospatial plugins, including:
- datasette-leaflet-geojson to render the data on a map
- datasette-leaflet-freedraw to allow users to draw shapes on the map and query the database for matching records
For more on this project, see California Protected Areas in Datasette and Drawing shapes on a map to query a SpatiaLite database.
Building a location to time zone API with SpatiaLite is a tutorial showing how to use SpatiaLite with Datasette.

San Francisco Microscopical Society Archive
The San Francisco Microscopical Society have archives dating back to 1870, and recently started digitizing them as scanned images in PDF files.
s3-ocr is a tool for bulk OCRing PDF files in an S3 bucket and extracting out the resulting text into a searchable SQLite database.
Their archive site uses a templated Datasette instance to allow people to search and browse through their archives.
Building a searchable archive for the San Francisco Microscopical Society describes in detail how this project was built.

Global Power Plants
The World Resources Institute publishes a Global Power Plants Database with information about over 30,000 power plants around the world.
This Datasette instance presents those power plants on a map, using the datasette-cluster-map plugin to support zooming in to see individual plants.

More examples
United States members of congress
congress-legislators.datasettes.com lists United States members of congress, plus Presidents and Vice Presidents, using data from unitedstates/congress-legislators on GitHub.
The official Datasette tutorials Exploring a database with Datasette and Learn SQL with Datasette demonstrate how to use Datasette to explore and query this database.
SBA Paycheck Protection Program Loan Data
sba-loans-covid-19.datasettes.com shows recipients of Covid-19 Paycheck Protection Program loans, using data released by the Small Business Administration.
The Foreign Agents Registration Act
FARA is a US law that requires foreign lobbyists to register with the US Department of Justice.
fara.datasettes.com publishes data released by the DoJ and uses Datasette to make it searchable.
You can read more about how the project works in Tracking FARA by deploying a data API using GitHub Actions and Cloud Run.
Covid-19 cases and deaths
covid-19.datasettes.com uses data from Johns Hopkins CSSE, the New York Times and the LA Times to show Covid-19 cases and deaths around the USA and the world.
UK Register of Members Interests
register-of-members-interests.datasettes.com provides a searchable interface to the UK Register of Members Interests - a database of the financial interests of members of the UK Parliament.
See Exploring the UK Register of Members Interests with SQL and Datasette for background on this project.