datasette-auth0 by simonw

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Datasette plugin that authenticates users using Auth0

See Simplest possible OAuth authentication with Auth0 for more about how this plugin works.


Install this plugin in the same environment as Datasette.

$ datasette install datasette-auth0


You can try this out at - click on the top right menu icon and select "Sign in with Auth0".

Initial configuration

First, create a new application in Auth0. You will need the domain, client ID and client secret for that application.

The domain should be something like

Add to the list of Allowed Callback URLs.

Then configure these plugin secrets using metadata.yml:

      "$env": AUTH0_DOMAIN
      "$env": AUTH0_CLIENT_ID
      "$env": AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET

Only the client_secret needs to be kept secret, but for consistency I recommend using the $env mechanism for all three.

In development, you can run Datasette and pass in environment variables like this:

AUTH0_CLIENT_ID="...client-id-goes-here..." \
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET="...secret-goes-here..." \
datasette -m metadata.yml

If you are deploying using datasette publish you can pass these using --plugin-secret. For example, to deploy using Cloud Run you might run the following:

datasette publish cloudrun mydatabase.db \
--install datasette-auth0 \
--plugin-secret datasette-auth0 domain "" \
--plugin-secret datasette-auth0 client_id "your-client-id" \
--plugin-secret datasette-auth0 client_secret "your-client-secret" \
--service datasette-auth0-demo

Once your Datasette instance is deployed, you will need to add its callback URL to the "Allowed Callback URLs" list in Auth0.

The callback URL should be something like:



Once installed, a "Sign in with Auth0" menu item will appear in the Datasette main menu.

You can sign in and then visit the /-/actor page to see full details of the auth0 profile that has been authenticated.

You can then use Datasette permissions to grant or deny access to different parts of Datasette based on the authenticated user.


To set up this plugin locally, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd datasette-auth0
python3 -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:
