pypi-to-sqlite by simonw

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Load data about Python packages from PyPI into SQLite


Install this tool using pip:

pip install pypi-to-sqlite


To create a SQLite database with details of one or more packages, run:

pypi-to-sqlite pypi.db datasette sqlite-utils

You can also process JSON that you have previously saved to disk like so:

curl -o datasette.json
pypi-to-sqlite pypi.db -f datasette.json

The tool will create three tables: packages, versions and releases. The full table schema is shown below.

To create the tables with a prefix, use --prefix prefix. For example:

pypi-to-sqlite pypi.db datasette --prefix pypi_

This will create tables called pypi_packages, pypi_versions and pypi_releases.


You can see examples of tables created using this tool running in Datasette here:

Database schema

CREATE TABLE [packages] (
   [summary] TEXT,
   [classifiers] TEXT,
   [description] TEXT,
   [author] TEXT,
   [author_email] TEXT,
   [description_content_type] TEXT,
   [home_page] TEXT,
   [keywords] TEXT,
   [license] TEXT,
   [maintainer] TEXT,
   [maintainer_email] TEXT,
   [package_url] TEXT,
   [platform] TEXT,
   [project_url] TEXT,
   [project_urls] TEXT,
   [release_url] TEXT,
   [requires_dist] TEXT,
   [requires_python] TEXT,
   [version] TEXT,
   [yanked] INTEGER,
   [yanked_reason] TEXT
CREATE TABLE [versions] (
   [package] TEXT REFERENCES [packages]([name]),
   [name] TEXT
CREATE TABLE [releases] (
   [md5_digest] TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
   [package] TEXT REFERENCES [packages]([name]),
   [version] TEXT REFERENCES [versions]([id]),
   [packagetype] TEXT,
   [filename] TEXT,
   [comment_text] TEXT,
   [digests] TEXT,
   [has_sig] INTEGER,
   [python_version] TEXT,
   [requires_python] TEXT,
   [size] INTEGER,
   [upload_time] TEXT,
   [upload_time_iso_8601] TEXT,
   [url] TEXT,
   [yanked] INTEGER,
   [yanked_reason] TEXT

pypi-to-sqlite --help

Usage: pypi-to-sqlite [OPTIONS] DB_PATH [PACKAGE]...

  Load data about Python packages from PyPI into SQLite

  Usage example:

      pypi-to-sqlite pypy.db datasette sqlite-utils

  Use -f to load data from a JSON file instead:

      pypi-to-sqlite pypy.db -f datasette.json

  Created tables will be packages, versions and releases

  To create tables called pypi_packages, pypi_versions, pypi_releases use
  --prefix pypi_:

      pypi-to-sqlite pypy.db datasette sqlite-utils --prefix pypi_

  --version            Show the version and exit.
  -f, --file FILENAME  Import JSON from this file
  -d, --delay FLOAT    Wait this many seconds between requests
  --prefix TEXT        Prefix to use for the created database tables
  --help               Show this message and exit.


To contribute to this tool, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd pypi-to-sqlite
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:
