s3-credentials by simonw
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A tool for creating credentials for accessing S3 buckets
For project background, see s3-credentials: a tool for creating credentials for S3 buckets on my blog.
pip install s3-credentials
To create a new S3 bucket and output credentials that can be used with only that bucket:
% s3-credentials create my-new-s3-bucket --create-bucket
Created bucket: my-new-s3-bucket
Created user: s3.read-write.my-new-s3-bucket with permissions boundary: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess
Attached policy s3.read-write.my-new-s3-bucket to user s3.read-write.my-new-s3-bucket
Created access key for user: s3.read-write.my-new-s3-bucket
"UserName": "s3.read-write.my-new-s3-bucket",
"Status": "Active",
"SecretAccessKey": "...",
"CreateDate": "2021-11-03 01:38:24+00:00"
The tool can do a lot more than this. See the documentation for details.